
Thursday, June 17, 2010


Travelled a lot lately, for job and for fun. I've been to lot of festivals in beautiful places, such as Ajaccio, Nice (where I had lunch in the Vieux Nice) and Lyon (where I walked trough the traboules going up and down in the ancient town) . In Ajaccio Coeur de Papier won an award as Best Fantasy Book. Thank you! I also say thank you to all those people who came for a sketch and share a few words.
These are some of the other artists I've met during those Festivals: the two italians Paolo Bisi (it was his first french Festival ever!) and Antonio "Sualzo" Vincenti, Tony Sandoval (who showed me some original pages from his next book, and they were plenty of poetry), Ciro Tota , Mateo Guerrero. If you don't know them, hurry up and have a look!

Ho viaggiato molto ultimamente, per lavoro e divertimento. Sono stato in diversi Festivals in bellissime città, come Ajaccio, Nizza (dove ho pranzato nella stupenda città vecchia) e Lione (dove ho passeggiato per le traboules che attraversano il centro storico). Al Festival di Ajaccio Coeur de Papier ha ricevuto un premio come Miglior Fumetto Fantasy. Grazie mille! Ringrazio anche tutti coloro che si sono fermati per una dedica e per scambiare quattro chiacchere.
Questi sono solo alcuni dei disegnatori che ho incotrato lungo la via: i due italianissimi Paolo Bisi (al suo primo Festival in terra di Francia) e Antonio "Sualzo" Vincenti, Tony Sandoval ( che mi ha mostrato sottobanco alcune tavole originali colorate ad acquerello del suo prossimo libro, malinconiche e cariche di poesia), Ciro Tota, Mateo Guerrero. Se non conoscete i loro lavori, correte a guardarli!
I did this sketch a few days ago in London. The Mayflower is an ancient Pub, founded in 1799, along the river Thames. In front of it there was a dock from where the famous ship sailed. Really a nice place to have an beer and a lovely view of the river.

Ho fatto questo sketch pochi giorni fa, a Londra. Il Mayflower è un antico English Pub, fondato nel 1799, lungo il Tamigi. Da quel punto, tempo addietro, salpò la famosa nave diretta verso gli Stati Uniti. Davvero un bel posto per godersi una birra ed una stupenda vista del fiume.
I did this sketch for a Disney Fan and then turned it into colour. It's 4 or 5 years now I'm not drawing this character anymore!

Ho realizzato questo bozzetto per un Fan Disney che me lo ha richiesto, e poi l'ho colorato. Sono 4 o 5 anni che non disegno più questi personaggi!

PS. ARTEMIS FOWL - The arctic incident Graphic Novel - will be published soon in Spain by Norma Editorial. Probably in July!

PS. ARTEMIS FOWL - L'incidente artico Graphic Novel - sarà pubblicato in Spagna da Norma Editorial. Probabilmente a Luglio!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of great news Giovanni! Congratulations on the award!! You deserve it, friend!! So cool all your travels and so great that you get to meet all these amazing artist. I LOVE Tony Sandoval´s work, he has a very unique style and here ine Mexico we are very proud of him, that he has this success! I did not know about the other artists you mentiones but i went to visit their sites you recommended and they are fantastic.
    OH! And so cool to see the disney poiece in your personal style, i would buy any disney title if they were drawn by you in this style.
    Have an amazing weekend Giovanni!
